Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 4 in Bogota

Today is Father's Day and the boys are very disappointed that their Papa is not here and we can't even get our internet to connect to call him.

After breakfast this morning we walked to the mall (Unicentro) and found Mauricio a new pair of shoes. He had brand new shoes when we picked him up at the orphanage, but in 5 weeks he had already worn a hole through the toe. Then we headed to Jeno's Pizza for lunch. They have a huge play area and game room. The boys were enthralled with the video games (no surprise). They asked how long we could stay and I received the biggest smiles when I told them we could stay as long as they wanted. It beats sitting at the hotel for more endless hours of board games! We ended up staying for 4 hours!! I think I learned my lesson about setting time limits:)

Only 3 more days and we will be home!! They are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The first thing Mauricio does when his eyes open in the morning is check his calendar. Every morning since Darin and the girls left his face fell when he saw how many more days it would be until we would be together again. But this morning he had a huge smile on his face!


  1. Beth Jonesieeeeee!!!! I can hardly wait for you and the boys to be home! I am anxious for you guys to be back home in Illinois safe and sound and to give you and the boys big hugs and welcome you back!!!! I can hardly wait!!! Miguel and Mauricio, su Papa y su Mama es mi grande amigos. Yo tengo mucho amor por su familia nueva. Y yo tengo mucho amor por tu, Maucicio Jones, y por tu, Miguel Jones. Comprende? Mi Espanol es muy poquito. Much love to each of you! Ralph

  2. Day after doesn't sound so bad. I will be VERY glad when you are all home safe and sound. See you soon. I love you ALL very much. Mom
