Sunday, June 7, 2009


You might be wondering what the significance of the title is...

Have we been here 40 days?
Do we have 40 days left in Colombia?
Have I played 40...thousand games of UNO?...almost
Do we have 40 dollars left?...getting closer:)

Those are all very good guesses, but you're wrong.
I celebrated a birthday today, and actually it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be:) I think being in Colombia helped a bit. I mean how many women get to celebrate their 40th birthday in a tropical location surrounded by family and (new) friends! I had a candle in my pancakes for breakfast and very rich chocolate cake after dinner. I was sung to in English and in Spanish and was wished a happy birthday from the whole hotel staff throughout the day. I certainly got to be queen for the day. And except for my family not forming a Conga line to exit the restaurant after dinner and missing all of you back home, I had everything I could have ever wished for. I have such an amazing husband and children (all 5!) and my most treasured times are spent with them. So turning 40 is not so bad after all.

P.S. No news yet about when we get to come home. We hope to hear something tomorrow. I will keep you posted. KEEP PRAYING!!


  1. I'm so glad it was a wonderful day for you. No, 40 isn't bad (neither was 50), it's just a number. And you certainly don't look the number!! Let us know if you find out anything today. We love you soooo much! Kiss Darin and the kids for us!
    Love, Aunt Sandy

  2. 40!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, Beth, I am very happy to hear that turning 40 wasn't so bad and that it will always be an extraordinary, event in the midst of such a meaningful time in your life. As it should be! You have helped lighten the pending event of my own. Hope your remianing days are excellent.

    Darin Jonesieeeeeeeeeee!!! I am missing you, my brother! A big Darin hug and your great smiling countenance would be just right this morning. I am sending my own to you right now!!

    Much love to all!
