Friday, June 5, 2009

A Good-bye Fiesta

Today we went back to the orphanage to throw a good-bye party for the boys. There were 46 children there (that's everyone except the 30 babies). First each child gave the boys a card or picture they had made for them. Then the pop, brownies, and candy which we brought were quickly and eagerly devoured:) For the next hour and a half we played with, took pictures of, held, hugged, and talked with all of the children. They were all so happy! They had so many questions...You have so many big children, do you have a big house/car?, Who is older, Mama or Papa?, Why is your skin so white?, What is your favorite color/animal?, and so many others that I couldn't understand:) They all love having their picture taken so we got tons of great pictures and video for future enjoyment. Many of the older children huddled around Darin talking with him, two older boys in particular. One little boy, who must've been about 6 touched Darin's bicep muscle and then pushed up his own sleeve to show off his scrawny little arm. This started a chain reaction of little boys flexing their muscles! It was hysterical:) At another point Miranda (our middle daughter) was being literally swarmed by a group of little boys all wanting her attention and their picture taken. At that moment our younger son came up, grabbed her hand, pushed all the other boys away, and led her off to another area. It was as if he were claiming her as his sister and rescuing her from trouble. Absolutely priceless! Finally we gathered all of the children back together (no small task!) and Darin prayed for them, for the orphanage, for the staff, and for God's plan for each of their lives. We had such a wonderful time! I will pray daily for a loving family for each one of those precious faces!


  1. PRICELESS!!! I love you all so much!

  2. I am finally catching up on your blog. It has been a crazy last couple of weeks.

    This post is just so touching! 30 babies in the orphanage! What a wonderful way you guys have about you in a situation like this.

    Loves to all! Ralph
